Validation and adjustment services for measuring devices and metering solutions
From standard factory calibrations and special calibrations for custody transfer to extensive adjustments of measurement parameters
Certified KROHNE calibration facilities with many years of calibration experience
Test documentation with calibration certificates
Accredited calibrations available on request
At a glance
- Calibration service for flow, level, pressure and temperature
- Comprehensive calibration portfolio from standard calibrations and functional tests to customised and witnessed calibrations to extensive device adjustments
- With over 150 KROHNE calibration facilities for every measured variable and every device type
- Our calibration equipment is traceable to national and international standards (ISO 9001); accredited calibrations can also be carried out in accordance with ISO 17025 (UKAS, RVA; DAkkS etc.)
- Calibration carried out by experienced and regularly trained calibration engineers to ensure quality and continuity
- Special solution-related calibration services for metering systems, metering control systems, wet gas systems, sampling and analyser systems, provers, master meter and leak detection systems
Your challenge
Our service
KROHNE offers a comprehensive portfolio of calibration service options tailored to customer requirements to ensure that our measuring devices always work according to specifications. This includes:
Standard factory calibrations against reference instruments
Special calibrations for custody transfer measurements and fiscal metering in accordance with MID, OIML, AGA and other standards
Calibrations with adjustment of the function-preserving metrological constants
Calibrations with a complete parameter adjustment
Thanks to our many years of experience, calibration is now one of our core competences. Thanks to a worldwide network of more than 150 calibration facilities, we are able to calibrate every device we manufacture. These calibration systems are among the most accurate used in the manufacture of process instrumentation worldwide. They are certified or accredited according to international standards.
Upon request, we offer accredited calibrations for increased requirements in accordance with
ISO 17025 or other standards in KROHNE's own or external calibration laboratories. Our calibration service includes both individual measuring devices and complex measurement and control systems. The accredited facilities are subject to regular testing by metrology institutes. In addition to factory and laboratory calibration, KROHNE also offers mobile calibration as a premium service.
Your added value
- Long-term stable, reliable and accurate measured values
- Increased performance and product service lifetime thanks to recommended calibration intervals and parameter settings
- Facilitate the sustainable and cost- efficient use of measuring devices by extending the product life cycle
- KROHNE gives you access to many years of calibration expertise with worldwide availability
- Benefit from the most accurate calibration equipment available in the manufacture of process instrumentation worldwide
- High calibration reliability thanks to the use of leading-edge calibration technology
- Everything from a single source: just one contact for comprehensive calibration services